Oppose the visitor levy: Sign our open letter

Join us on our campaign to oppose the visitor levy. 

Working with local business owners and residents across the Highlands and Islands, the Scottish Conservatives have written a letter to Deputy First Minster Kate Forbes laying out our serious concerns with the Visitor Levy.

To read the full letter please click on the link below πŸ‘‡

With your help we can ensure the voice of people and businesses across the Highlands and Islands can be heard at the top of the Scottish Government. 

The letter highlights πŸ‘‰

  • The risks of business closures and the potential for redundancies.
  • The burden of collecting and administering the Levy.
  • The costs to residents of the Highlands & Islands who travel for health and work who will also have to pay the levy. 
  • The ripple effect the Levy could have on other Highland businesses. 
  • The % level of the levy and the risk of increases moving forward.
  • The risks of VAT and TAX.
  • How the money raised will be spent. 

JOIN US and send your name with other locals by clicking on the button below πŸ‘‡


Attachment Size
Visitor Levy letter to Kate Forbes (79.79 KB) 79.79 KB

Tim Eagle Visitor Levy open letter

  • Current The Visitor Levy
  • Your details
